Long term Goals of Midsalip’s Development
The vision statement embodies the end-state scenario of four major elements: the character of the local economy, the quality of the citizenry, the state of the environment and the capabilities of the local leadership. Attainment of these desired qualities constitutes the long-term goals of development of Midsalip.
Desired Qualities of the Citizenry
1. Midsalipnon are, and always be, God loving. This characteristics can be said to have been attained if each one shows and do a genuine concern for the needs of others; if they take a pro-life stance when faced with moral choices; when more and more families are kept intact or conversely, when less and less families are broken up; and when young people show respect to parents and older ones; and the greatest of all is when everyone is having obedience to God.
2. Midsalipnon are always being participative and cooperative citizenry. This characteristics can be said and attained if one shows concern and obedience on every implementation of laws both local and national; when more and more families concern on not to damage our environment by throwing waste everywhere and observe proper disposal based on laws.
3. Midsalip residents are peaceful and law-abiding, avoiding such heinous crimes as rape, incest, robbery, and drug addiction.
4. Midsalip residents are healthy. These characteristics can be attained if MDG No.1 ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY & HUNGER will be obtained. Based on the recent NHTHS PR survey conducted by DSWD Midsalip has a magnitude of poor populace of 16,583 or more than fifty percent belongs to below poverty line. This can be indicated that presence of malnourished children is within the municipality of Midsalip. Government programs must focus and consider the situation in order to reduce the problem of malnutrition and uplift the living condition of the Midsalipnon.
Desired status of the Local Economy
1. Productive, self-reliant locality in major food commodities. The Current self sufficiency level in rice, corn and livestock has given Midsalip a major advantage over other less endowed neighboring towns. This condition must be maintained an at the same time the production of other food crops such as vegetables and fruits, root crops and sugar shall be increased to at least double to reach 100% self –sufficiency.
2. Diversified local economy. The processing and marketing of agriculture and natural resources products shall be encourage creating opportunities for greater non-farm employment and income sources.
3. Environment friendly economy. Based on the study agriculture sector contribute much of the green gasses and other pollutant in the atmosphere giving damage to the ozone layer causing the change of our climate into extreme. In order to sustain the natural environment agriculture and other economic development sector must observe and strictly follows on environmental laws.
Desired State of the Environment
1. Clean and orderly communities for human settlements.
2. Rich mountain forests.
3. Wide and green fields.
4. Clean and resource-rich rivers.
5. Wildlife returning and roaming free again.
6. Properly managed solid and liquid wastes.
Desired Qualities of the Local Leaders
The people of Midsalip would like to be led and guided by local leaders who are, transparent and honest in serving its constituents. Local leaders who are committed to the values of social justice and equity. These values can be seen in the manner in which the various functions of the local governance are discharged, namely, with the positive discrimination in favor of the poor and under- privileged. Also, those who are, and those who aspire to be, in positions of leadership must be willing to subordinate personal ambitions and convenience for the greater good of the community. In concrete terms, the townspeople would like to experience the following effects of committed local leadership:
1. Transparency in all financial transaction in the government should be observed by any leaders in order to avoid doubts by the constituents. All procurement and financial transactions with the government must be done in the process prescribed by RA 9184 known as the Government Procurement Act and the Full Disclosure Policy must be complied.
2. Adequate provision of social goods and services. For example, more public resources need to be concentrated in pre-school and tertiary education, services which are still very inadequately provided at present. Children of poor families who are deprived of pre-school training suffer from serious handicap which they may not be able to overcome later. Similarly, youth who are deprived of tertiary education are less competitive in the labor market.
Likewise, more public resources should be put into provision of physical facilities for public safety and administration of justice and facilities for civil defense like adequate street lighting, standard weighing scale, etc. and more public open space and outdoor recreation opportunities.
3. Effective facilitation of market transactions. There should be greater post harvest facilities and marketing support to agriculture. Producers should be able to receive a just share in the proceeds of their efforts rather than traders cornering a disproportionately large share in the value added and the social product. Effective protection of consumers from unscrupulous traders should also be put in place. Finally, encouragement should be given to cooperatives of all types.
4. Arbitration between conflicting social groups. Public facilities shall be installed to provide opportunities for townspeople to resolve their conflicts amicably and for them to air their complaints and grievances against abusive sectors of society, including government officials and functionaries.
5. Political will to apply social engineering. Some social inequities are so hard to resolve without resorting to drastic measures. Implementation and enforcement of laws are so hard to our officials without political will.
• Provide adequate shelter and orderly community development
• Better waste management
• To provide quality and affordable education
• Fully developed agricultural resources
• Maximum development of commerce and trade to improve per capita income, better business opportunity and stabilize local economy
• Better road network, communication and water system facilities
• To have an effective Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management System and enhanced capacity on Climate Change Adaptation
• Facilitate the construction of low cost housing for the low income sector
• To construct additional classrooms for elementary, secondary, senior high and tertiary schools
• Provide adequate recreational and sport facilities
• Increase rice and corn production by at least 5% annually
• Increase vegetable, cacao, coffee, fruit trees production thru organic farming
• Provision of agriculture support facilities
• Provision of capital seed fund
• Identification of areas for mineral production
• Introduce massive tree planting in coordination with DENR, private sectors and the people’s Organizations
• Strict implementation of Municipal Solid Waste Management ordinances
The built-up areas in the municipality are pockets of settlements, institutional, commercial, industrial, and other establishments located in the Poblacion area and in the rural barangays. Urban built-up area constitutes 0.21 percent while rural built-up areas 2.14 percent of the total municipal area.
The development of the whole economy of the municipality is a long-range undertaking. Midsalip has an annual growth rate of 0.85 percent. This is manifested in the age group structure. There are 4,131 children belonging to age group 0-4 while there are 4,322 children falling within the ages 5-9 and 4,296 inhabitants falling within 10-14 age brackets. As the age group level matures, the number of inhabitants’ decreases – a clear manifestation that the younger generation is more prolific. The high rate at which the population is growing poses a vital challenge as far as land use planning consideration is concerned.
Unfortunately, the recent inventory of barangay roads, the municipality has only a total of 126.58 kilometers road. 4.10 Kilometers of this road is concrete 62.09 kilometer of this road is reported as graveled and 60.39 kilometers is reported as earth but most of them are hardly passable during rainy months. Besides, less than half of the total municipal barangays is connected by good roads. More so, if the standard of 1.5 kilometers per 100 hectares of arable land is to be based, the current road network is inadequate. The need is so great and likewise critical considering the very tight budgetary constraint of the national, regional and local government as well. Somehow road construction especially farm to market roads must go on if we have to aim for a rapid socio- economic development.